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Sunday 21 April 2024

101 in 1001 - 800 day update

800 Day Goal Update

We're on the home stretch now of my most recent 101 in 1001 project with less than 200 days to go to tick off some new goals.

My Full 101 in 1001 list can be found here and then we have the updates so you can see just where my progress has come from:



[29] Complete two point hospital to 100% - This was trickier than I thought it would be but after lots of patience and watching a few youtube strategy guides I finally got there

[53] Get a promotion - I've recently changed jobs which I am absolutely counting as a promotion. It's a higher base salary and definitely an upwards step in my career trajectory

[60] Have Job Satisfaction - My new job has felt like a breath of fresh air, I didn't realise quite how stagnant my old role had got. I truly feel like I'm making a difference and have a really high level of job satisfaction currently

[79] Buy 5 Just Because Gifts - Completed this one by donating some lovely gifts to my local RSPCA through their amazon wishlist

[81] Have a Honeymoon - We went on our first break away alone since having Max to Amsterdam. I'd call it a minimoon rather than a full on honeymoon but it was such a lovely break away

[94] Do something that scares me once a year - Completed this task and I think all three were quite major events. Starting to wean Max, returning to work after maternity and then starting a new job


[1] Take a picture of Max every week
[3] Celebrate our wedding anniversaries (2/3)
[4] Date night once a month (23/33)
[8] See grandparents and great grandparents every week
[9] Tell Connor I love him every day
[10] Celebrate all of Max's milestones
[11] 10k Instagram followers
[12] 10k Twitter followers
[13] 100k Audience on Pinterest
[14] 10k blog views per month
[15] 10 new blog posts a month
[16] Get blog DA to 30
[21] Watch every Disney movie
[25] Read a new book a month (15/33)
[26] Shop a store a month at Meadowhall (20/33)
[38] Make £3k selling clutter on eBay / Vinted
[39] Save £5 for each completed task on the list
[41] Get to a healthy BMI
[42] 50k steps on a weekly basis
[44] Use up existing toiletries before buying new
[46] Regular yearly checks ups (Doctors / Dentist / Opticians) (2/3)
[52] Make commission every month in a year 
[73] Make an effort with existing friends to keep talking / go out
[74] Go out with family/friends once a month
[80] Say yes more often
[84] Visit Disneyland Paris
[91] Start driving again
[92] Keep up using a daily diary 
[100] Do 100 day check ins on 101 goals

800 days down and the scores on the doors:
44/101 Completed (6 completed in the last 100 days)
29 / 101 In Progress

I have completed the same amount of goals as the last 100 days - I think 6 at a time is a really good rate. I've now got 73 goals out of a 100 with something tangible against them as complete. Time to refocus and see which goals I can get ticked off next

Which goals do you think I should focus on?
101 in 1001 update

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