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Monday 27 December 2021

101 goals - My New Resolutions

 101 goals - New resolutions

I've recently completed my first 101 goals list which I started way back in 2019 - read how I got on at my 1001 days later completed post. My last goal was to make a new list so I've put together a complete new list all ready to start as my new resolutions as we approach 2022. I've tried to be organised with my goals this time and divide it up into life areas as I'm using my Inspire Spirit Planner to keep organised

101 goals list

Start date: 1st January 2022
End date: 28th September 2024


[1] Take a picture of Max every week
[2] Create our wedding album
[3] Celebrate our wedding anniversaries (0/3)
[4] Date night once a month (0/33)
[5] Start a family Christmas tradition
[6] Adopt a puppy
[7] Celebrate Max's birthday (0/2)
[8] See grandparents and great grandparents every week
[9] Tell Connor I love him every day
[10] Celebrate all of Max's milestones


[11] 10k Instagram followers
[12] 10k Twitter followers
[13] 100k Audience on Pinterest
[14] 10k blog views per month
[15] 10 new blog posts a month
[16] Get blog DA to 30
[17] Start a regular weekly email series
[18] Start being in front of the camera for stories/reels etc.
[19] Gain a brand ambassador/sponsorship programme
[20] Earn a significant income to supplement maternity pay / reducing hours


[21] Watch every Disney movie
[22] Cook through a cookbook
[23] Try all the lush bath bombs
[24] Win a fantasy football league
[25] Read a new book a month (/33)
[26] Shop a store a month at Meadowhall (/33)
[27] See SUFC get promoted to the premier league
[28] See England win a World Cup
[29] Complete two point hospital to 100%
[30] Binge a whole tv series in a day


[31] Have a 4 figure blog income month
[32] Survive maternity pay
[33] Save £10k for staircasing remaining house shares
[34] Finish changing my name everywhere
[35] Start savings account for Max
[36] Generate passive income via a side hustle
[37] Get a payrise
[38] Make £3k selling clutter on eBay / Vinted
[39] Save £5 for each completed task on the list
[40] Sort Wills / Life insurance etc.

Health and Beauty

[41] Get to a healthy BMI
[42] 50k steps on a weekly basis
[43] Recover properly from my C-Section
[44] Use up existing toiletries before buying new
[45] Develop a skincare routine
[46] Regular yearly checks ups (Doctors / Dentist / Opticians)
[47] Find an exercise I enjoy and do it regularly
[48] Go to a spa and get at least one treatment
[49] Get hair dyed balayage
[50] Get boobs measured properly 6 months postpartum


[51] Reduce work hours
[52] Make commission every month in a year 
[53] Get a promotion
[54] Create a cv
[55] Learn a new skill to make my job easier
[56] Win an 'award'
[57] Gain a certification
[58] Clearly defined work/life balance
[59] Bring in new business
[60] Have job satisfaction


[61] Pave top garden and fence off steep inclines
[62] Plant wildflowers on front garden
[63] Empty shed and give it a purpose
[64] Buy garden furniture to make it a nice place for the summer
[65] Create an office space in the bedroom
[66] Have a cleaning routine and get on top of keeping a tidy home
[67] Staircase on the house to own 100%
[68] Meal plan regularly
[69] Buy a new mattress
[70] Babyproof everywhere

Social Life

[71] Celebrate our delayed wedding reception
[72] Make a new friend
[73] Make an effort with existing friends to keep talking / go out
[74] Go out with family/friends once a month
[75] Join a book club
[76] Meet an online friend in person
[77] Celebrate my 30th birthday with my favourite people
[78] Go to mummy and baby groups
[79] Buy 5 just because gifts
[80] Say yes more often


[81] Have a honeymoon
[82] Tripadvisor to 250 visited
[83] Have our first family holiday as a three
[84] Visit Disneyland Paris
[85] Go on the Eurostar
[86] Visit the Lake District for a break
[87] Complete a map square weekly while out walking
[88] Visit new UK towns/cities (0/5)
[89] Go to Ireland
[90] Go to Edinburgh

Personal Development

[91] Start driving again
[92] Keep up using a daily diary 
[93] Have an organised birthday calender
[94] Do something that scares me once a year (0/3)
[95] Attend baby / child first aid
[96] Inspire someone to start their own 101 in 1001 list
[97] Make 20 things I've seen on Pinterest
[98] Have a Pinch Me moment
[99] Learn to French braid my hair
[100] Do 100 day check ins on 101 goals
[101] Start a new 101 list

There we go! I'm so excited to get started on my new list and see where my life takes me in the next 1001 days

What are your goals and resolutions for the year?

101 goals

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