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Wednesday 17 May 2023

101 in 1001 - 500 day update

 500 day goal update

Half way through another 1001 list - I genuinely can't believe how quickly time goes when it comes to reflecting on these goals. The half way point is always a good point to take stock and see what I can achieve for the final half of my goals.

My Full 101 in 1001 list can be found here and then we have the updates so you can see just where my progress has come from:
Flowers in vase



[27] See SUFC get promoted to the premier league - I can't believe this one has come around so quickly it normally takes us a decade to get back but only a 2 year gap this time around

[34] Finish changing my name everywhere - I've had to properly focus on this one to get the staircasing process moving forwards. Definitely a pain but almost at our second anniversary I'm there

[37] Get a payrise - Got a small uplift at work to deal with the cost of living crisis. It's not a lot but it all counts

[48] Got to a spa and get at least one treatment - I spent 3 hours in a gorgeous spa at Center Parcs - so lovely infact that I didn't feel like I needed a treatment

[55] Learn a new skill to make my job easier - I've spent the 5 months since returning to work really getting to grips with a new system called Sourcebot and now utilise it to do my job better

[66] Have a cleaning routine - Really getting into the swing of working / parenting and everything else so have a solid cleaning plan now that I try and stick to

[70] Babyproof everywhere - The safety gates and magnetic locks are out and in action as Max gets absolutely everywhere

[77] Celebrate my 30th birthday with my favourite people - We celebrated my birthday in Liverpool just the three of us and it was absolutely perfect


[1] Take a picture of Max every week - I've been keeping up with this, definitely getting harder as he gets older and more wriggly but I love looking back

[3] Celebrate our wedding anniversary - We're coming up to our second anniversary so looking forward to marking our cotton year

[4] Date night once a month - We've had some fun football related ones lately including a trip to Blackburn and Wembley. I'm so glad we have  a hobby we both love and can combine time together

[7] Celebrate Max's Birthday (1/2) - Max is 18 months now so we're climbing towards that second birthday I can't believe it

[8] See grandparents and great grandparents every week - We're in a super good routine with this and Max is loving building those relationships

[9] Tell Connor I love him everyday - Easiest goal ever

[10] Celebrate all Max's Milestones - My boys a total toddler now meltdowns and all. Seeing him growing and developing is the cutest thing and I love everything he learns

[11] 10k Instagram followers - Around 7800 now so a small jump of around 100 new followers

[12] 10k Twitter followers - A drop to 7600 but I think that sums up Twitter at the minute

[13] 100k Audience on Pinterest - Up to 50k! Another 20k gain on the last update

[14] 10k blog views a month - Getting consistently around the 4k mark now so it's growing slowly!

[15] 10 new blog posts a month - A bit up and down with this one but I try to get at least five

[16] Get Blog DA to 30 - Jumped up a couple on this to 23

[21] Watch every Disney movie - Up to 2010! 

[23] Try all the lush bath bombs - I'm actually super close on finishing this one. Tried some fab ones recently like a Mario collab and a Stranger Things one 

[25] Read a new book a month - Absolutely smashed this time, read 6 books since last time so now up to 11 read total! Need to get a few more in to catch up to where I'd need to be 

[26] Shop a store a month at Meadowhall - Still carrying on with this and enjoying it

[29] Complete two point hospital to 100% - I've not gone back to this one yet maybe before the end of the challenge

[38] Make £3k selling clutter on ebay / Vinted - I keep making dents in this selling baby clothes currently up to around £1700

[39] Save £5 for each completed item on the list - Keeping up with this, can't wait to spend / splurge at the end of the challenge on something

[46] Regular yearly check ups (Doctors / Dentist / Opticians) - 1 year complete and Dentist for this year very soon

[52] Make commission every month in a year - I've been back a few months now so this one has become in progress. Just had my second commission check so need to keep it rolling

[64] Buy garden furniture - I've got a lovely patio set, and a cute mud kitchen for Max that needs building. I still need a few bits of lights and plants to make it perfect

[68] Meal plan regularly - Keeping up with this, keeps me sane and makes sure we don't have food waste

[74] Go out with family / friends once a month - We do so many fun things with family I could probably do more on the friend front 

[79] Buy 5 just because presents - Up to 2/5 on this one

[80] Say Yes more often - I think I'm doing well with making this one a balance

[87] Complete a map square weekly - Finding this tricky with the balance of work / life etc. but maybe more in the summer

[88] Visit New UK Towns / Cities (2/5) - Blackpool and Liverpool done!

[91] Start driving again - I've done a little bit of this but need to work on building my confidence

[92] Keep up using a daily diary - I do this regularly but its become a goal setting diary. I wonder sometimes if I should go back to old school diaries of my thoughts - something to ponder

[94] Do something that scared me once a year - 2/3 completed with weaning Max and Max starting nursery

[97] Make 20 things I've seen on Pinterest - 13 out of 20 on this one 

Phew! 500 days and half way there and the progress looks like:
29/101 completed
33/101 part completed

So thats 62/101 with something against it which is only just under where I wanted to be so I'm chuffed with that. As it gets trickier to get completed now I'm going to do a total goal of 70 goals with something against it for next update

Which goal would you focus on next?
500 day update

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