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Sunday 12 February 2023

101 in 1001 - 400 day update

 400 Day Goal Update

Zooming on into 2023 which is totally crazy I can't believe how quickly I'm getting through this list. When I start these challenges 1001 days always sounds such a long time but life happens so quickly it's important to stop and reflect on where we are. So that's what's happening! 400 days into my 101 in 1001 challenge lets see where I am. 
My Full 101 in 1001 list can be found here and then we have the updates so you can see just where my progress has come from:
101in1001 - 400 days



[5] Start a family Christmas tradition - We started a few this year that I'm keen to carry on. My favourite is buying a new tree ornament from wherever we travel during the year. I love my tree being an eclectic Mix and love the idea of looking back on that year's memories

[32] Survive maternity pay - I did it! In the middle of a cost of living crisis too I'm bloody proud that we made it through so I was able to take a whole 13 months with my baby. I managed to get all the way through and didn't use all my savings so it's time to start saving up for our next big step of staircasing on the house

[51] Reduce work hours - I'm back at work now and I've managed to drop a day so I now work a 4 day week which I genuinely love, it gives me a buzz keeps me super busy and gives me enough time to be mum too

[58] Clearly defined work / life balance - This has been tricky getting into the swing of things as pre baby I never really switched off from work but now I've made sure I don't have any work emails on my phone, I make myself take my full lunch and breaks and switch off at the end of the day on time. Having a space to do 'work' has really helped too

[65] Create an office space in the bedroom - This has been the biggest change to helping me clearly define work and life. I've got a gorge office setup with my laptops and monitors, some snazzy drawers and office chair. It means I can work but when I'm done I can switch off the lamp in that corner and work is completely done. It's also meant I feel like my house is a home again and not just an extension of work.


[1] Take a picture of Max every week - I've been keeping this up, it's definitely getting harder now he's getting older he doesn't sit still for a minute!

[3] Celebrate our Wedding anniversary - We celebrated our first wedding anniversary so this one will stay in progress until out second one

[4] Date night once a month - We're definitely trying with this one, don't get me wrong date nights are now normally days / nights at the football but we love it so it works.

[7] Celebrate Max's birthday (1/2) - My little boy is a whole one year old it came around so fast! We had an amazing time celebrating with family and Max loved it

[8] See grandparents and great grandparents every week - We've carried on with this and Max loves all his grandparents

[9] Tell Connor I love him every day - Always an easy one to do!

[10] Celebrate all Max's Milestones - We've gone from attempting steps on the last update to absolutely smashing walking and now he's so fast! We've got a few more teeth (around 10 i think) and we now copy and imitate everything 

[11] 10k instagram followers - 7700 currently so that's a jump of around 400 from last time

[12] 10k Twitter followers - Almost 7700 so that's a small drop but Twitters such a weird place at the minute

[13] 100k audience on Pinterest - Up to 31k so a 10k gain from last update

[14] 10k blog views per month - Still averaging between 2-4k on this one. My blog has definitely been a little neglected in life/work/parenting so I get it. I need to work harder I think

[15] 10 new blog posts a month - I've started getting better at this probably averaging about 7-8 posts now 

[16] Get blog DA to 30 - Currently still sat at 20

[21] Watch every Disney movie - Up to 2009 now with my Disney movies

[23] Try all the lush bath bombs - Definitely one of my favourite goals I've been working through all the lovely ones I got for Christmas

[25] Read a new book a month - So bad that I'm still only on 5! Other things just took priority

[26] Shop a store a month at Meadowhall - Still keeping up with this. I like that it gives a freedom each month to shop a little

[29] Complete two point hospital to 100% - I've still got 2 levels.  But I've moved onto two point campus! I might come back to it

[34] Finish changing my name everywhere - Wanting to staircase is pushing me to do some of the more important ones with this

[38] Make 3k selling clutter on eBay / Vinted - I'm around half way there with this goal!

[39] Save £5 for each completed item on the list - My little pot keeps on growing

[46] Regular yearly checks ups (Doctors / Dentist / Opticians) - Completed this in 2022. I've got the dentist booked for this year just need to pop the other two into my diary

[64] Buy garden furniture to make it a nice place for the summer - Currently on pause until the weather brightens up

[66] Have a cleaning routine and get on top of keeping a tidy home - So this is definitely in progress but the small time I have in a morning or over my lunch break is helping me firm this routine up a little

[68] Meal plan regularly - This has become an absolute life saver now I'm at work, it just helps to be able to prep and make lunches and just know what I need to do. Don't get me wrong there's days I don't want to and days we order take out but it's fluid. 

[74] Go out with family/friends once a month - I'm keeping up with this making fun memories with lots of family

[77] Celebrate my 30th birthday with my favourite people - This is coming up and I've got lots of lovely things planned in to celebrate

[79] Buy 5 just because gifts - Still on the one but I'm not wanting to force this more it be natural when I see something someone will like

[80] Say yes more often - Interestingly I think I need to work on saying no too... I just don't like being decisive!

[87] Complete a map square weekly while out walking - I definitely need to get out walking more but I'm still working hard on this one

[88] Visit new UK towns/cities (1/5) - I think we can definitely add Blackpool onto this list, we've been twice in 2022 and I think completed everything I'd want to do. We've also got plans for Liverpool so hoping to add that to this list on the next update

[91] Start driving again - I need to put a bit of a focus on this, I'm starting to feel the need to drive regularly again 

[92] Keep up using a daily diary - I've got a new diary for 2023 so keeping up using a diary and making goals to keep me on track

[94] Do something that scares me once a year (2/3) - Starting to wean Max and I think a new one on my list was Max starting nursery. It's weird how my fears all revolve around keeping my little boy happy

[97] Make 20 things I've seen on Pinterest - I've doubled this one! Now up to 10 things made (cosmic brownies, chocolate orange brownies, crunchie brownies, nutella fridge bars, pepperoni dough bombs, malteser traybake, santa breakfast, candycane cookies, white chocolate fudge, malteser fudge, cupids float drink)

[100] Do 100 day check ins on 101 goals - 4th check in complete! So useful for reflecting

There we go 400 days down and another 5 fully completed goals taking me to 21/101 and my in progress list now stands at 36/101. I didn't quite meet my in progress mini goal so more to focus on next update to start some of the goals I haven't attempted yet. But I'm pleased my completed goals has gone up a lot! Plus combined over half of the goals have some progress allocated to them

My goal for the mid way mark of this challenge is to be on 25 out of 101 completed and 40 out of 101 or 65 goals with progress which I think puts me in a good position to push on

Which goal do you think I should focus on?

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