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Thursday 14 December 2023

101 in 1001 - 700 day update

 700 Day Goal Update

2023 has absolutely flown by and I'm at 700 days (plus a few more) on my 101 in 1001 goals list. It's fallen at a perfect time really to get a plan of action in place for 2024 to tick off as many more as I can

My Full 101 in 1001 list can be found here and then we have the updates so you can see just where my progress has come from:
Christmas Goal Update



[7] Celebrate Max's Birthday - I can't believe I have a whole two year old! We had a lovely time celebrating his birthday going to a local aquarium and seeing family. He's growing up and developing such a personality it's so lovely

[54] Create a cv - I managed to get around to doing this, I'm hoping I don't have to actually use it as I quite like my job but it's good practice to have an up to date one

[67] Staircase on the house to own 100% - Such a huge step and we've completed it! We now own the house completely, I've spoken a lot about shared ownership and how it worked for me so it's great to see my plans of buying the remaining shares actually come to fruition

[83] Have our first family holiday as a three - We went to Alanya in Turkey for a week and had the most wonderful holiday. Max absolutely adored playing in the pool all week and his first plane journey

[88] Visit new UK towns/cities (5/5) - Blackpool / Liverpool / Hull / Manchester / York. I finished my mini city tours this last 100 days with day trips to Hull for Max's birthday, Manchester to visit the Christmas markets and York to spend the day with a friend and have a look at their markets

[97] Make 20 things I've seen on Pinterest - Completed 20/20 and it's been great testing out new recipes and ideas. It's definitely a habit I want to get into a little more


[1] Take a picture of Max every week
[3] Celebrate our wedding anniversaries (2/3)
[4] Date night once a month (23/33)
[8] See grandparents and great grandparents every week
[9] Tell Connor I love him every day
[10] Celebrate all of Max's milestones
[11] 10k Instagram followers
[12] 10k Twitter followers
[13] 100k Audience on Pinterest
[14] 10k blog views per month
[15] 10 new blog posts a month
[16] Get blog DA to 30
[21] Watch every Disney movie
[25] Read a new book a month (15/33)
[26] Shop a store a month at Meadowhall (20/33)
[29] Complete two point hospital to 100%
[38] Make £3k selling clutter on eBay / Vinted
[39] Save £5 for each completed task on the list
[44] Use up existing toiletries before buying new
[46] Regular yearly checks ups (Doctors / Dentist / Opticians) (2/3)
[52] Make commission every month in a year 
[73] Make an effort with existing friends to keep talking / go out
[74] Go out with family/friends once a month
[79] Buy 5 just because gifts (3/5)
[80] Say yes more often
[91] Start driving again
[92] Keep up using a daily diary 
[94] Do something that scares me once a year (2/3)
[100] Do 100 day check ins on 101 goals

700 days down and the scores on the doors:
38/101 Completed
29 / 101 Completed

So that's 67/100 goals with something against them at this point and 6 more goals fully completed! Lots of goals will be ongoing now until the end of the project, I'm working hard on the ones that can be ticked off 

What are your goals for the next year?

700 day update

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