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Saturday 3 April 2021

Post Lockdown To-Do List

Post Lockdown To-Do List

It's been a whole year and then some since the covid pandemic hit England and we've lived with some level of restrictions since then whether that's multiple country wide lockdowns, local tiering systems, the rule of 6 or good old social distancing. It's been a hard old year personally with our wedding being rearranged twice but I've been planning for the future and put together my best ideas and fun things to do post lockdown

Post Lockdown Ideas

Get Married

I know there's a lot of us in this camp! The amount of weddings that got postponed in 2020 is absolutely astounding so the weddings and love being shown in 2021 should be huge. We're onto our 3rd date now and just so excited to get down the aisle. If you're not quite at the wedding stage it's just so exciting to begin normal dating again so get onto the Essex dating site* and plan some real-life dates.

Hug Family and Friends

I can't say I'm a massive touchy-feely person but it's been a whole year since I've even seen some of my family and I just can't wait to give them a hug and have a proper catch up without a screen and stupid zoom chats. It's just the small things such as being able to comfort someone or have those first moments holding hands if you're progressing with Essex Dating*

Go Out for a Meal

While I've thoroughly been enjoying trying takeaways near me, nothing beats going out for a meal with people you love. Having a catch up over good food and relaxing together. I've really missed going out for food, trying new places and just exploring my city

Book a Staycation

We're both in our 20s so quite low down on the vaccine list, so we're not planning a honeymoon just yet until we've both had our jabs so we'll be looking somewhere closer to home for a mini staycation break or UK road trip

Go to the Cinema

If you've read my blog for a while you'll know that my cinema trips were always a firm favourite and I can't to get back to the cinema. While we're recreating our own cinema nights at home it's not quiet the same. The smell of the popcorn when you enter, the rubbish adverts and trailers and the total escapism a cinema can bring. I'm beyond excited for them reopening 


I'm sure I'm not the only one counting down the days to June 21st - on the hope and pray that the 'no restrictions' roadmap is stuck to and we can get back to complete normality. It's going to be amazing to just do things without having to think, and plan and second guess if it's ok or not. I want to be able to work through my 101 goals and tick more off without feeling restricted about what I can do.

And I just want normal. Boring average normal workdays in an office whinging about the commute and just seeing people I've missed a whole heap this year

Post lockdown to do list

What are you looking forward to the most?

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