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Tuesday 31 March 2020

Must-read blog posts this month - Blog Highlights March 2020

The Must-read blog posts this month

We're almost at the end of the longest month known to man. I know it's been a really hard and long one for everyone just keep on in there people we're doing the right thing staying home, staying safe and protecting our NHS. January and February reads are still live but lets dive into what I've been reading in March and the Must read blog posts this month

Must-read blog posts this month

You should really read...

  • Creme egg rice krispie cakes - Easter is coming up and there's no better easter treats than Creme eggs and that's a fact. Make them extra special by creating a yummy rice krispie cake with them. Lockdown snacks for the win
  • 17 small changes to improve your mental health - Talking of lockdown how are we all doing? For me every day is a struggle but I'm taking it one day at a time. I really liked this post for little tips on changes I can make to help my head a little bit
  • My first smear test results - Amen to this! I know a lot of non essential hospital trips have been cancelled but reading someones experience of getting a smear is brilliant. I remember my first, it's so important you do it, it takes less than five minutes and can quite literally save your life
  • A magical stay at Hagrids Hut - A little bit of escapism and dreaming of the good days of getting outside the house. This is 100% going on my bucket list because it just looks and sounds incredible

You've been loving...

What blog posts do you recommend this month?

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  1. I have been away from blogging for a while so I am looking forward to catching up on lots of lovely blog posts over the coming weeks x

    1. I think lots of people have been getting back into writing with the lockdown

  2. You have a really fun blog! I will be following it for sure.

  3. I love the Creme Egg Krispies post! What a good idea. And a great post idea too!

    Al x

    1. Such a good idea for using up the easter chocolate

  4. You've got some great choices here. I love that it's encouraging and building up other bloggers. I think I need to make a point of doing a post like this occasionally - a great way to spread the love!

    1. Absolutely I love spreading the kindness around a little

  5. Also recommend the smear test guidelines for women. It's something that I was also anxious to do before and thought it wasn't necessary but it actually is, and it only takes like what 5 mins? Thanks for sharing! It will be very helpful to others.

    A. Choi

    1. It's so simple and easy to do I think there's a huge stigma around it hopefully it eases the stress

  6. Thanks for the reading recommendations. March may have been long, but April is dragging on. Keep posting great articles to read.

    1. I've found April to be moving a little quicker thankfully!

  7. i love these posts you do. thanks so much for fun reads! :D


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