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Sunday 6 June 2021

How to create a date night jar

How to create a Date Night Jar

It's no secret that I love a good date night! I've written tons of posts on my blog from a full A-Z of date nights to date nights you can do virtually in lockdown. For me a date night signifies spending time with your partner and fully focusing on them. We all know how life can get away with us whether it's work, kids or keeping a home it can be easy to take your partner for granted without realising it.

Dating is obviously crucial right at the start of meeting someone from Birmingham dating* to get to know them better, and work out whether you think the relationship has legs and you want to continue dating, but for me they're all the more important once you're in an established relationship to reconnect with each other, remind each other of when you met on Birmingham dating* and how much fun you can have together without getting bogged down with daily routines. It's really easy to struggle coming up with date night ideas, one method we've found the best is to have a Date Night Jar on hand to make the choices easy. They're really simple and cheap to make and then leave no excuse 

Date Night Jar

Date Night Jar 

If you love the idea of a date night jar but aren't feeling creative at all then you can buy ready made date night jars* with pre-written ideas and you're good to go

Personally I think creating a date night jar and making it fully personalised is part of the fun so I'd recommend getting any kind of jar to put your ideas in like a kilner jar* and then you can make lots of heart shaped scraps of paper to write all your ideas on or buy some cute heart post-it notes*

Date Ideas for your date night Jar

The act of making your date night jar is a really fun date in itself. Give yourself a fun Sunday afternoon together and work out what kind of date nights you enjoy doing. Aim for 52 ideas so 26 date nights each and you'll be set for an entire year of date nights if you decide to do one once a week.

You could colour code your date nights to help to pick a choice. Categories for dates such as a cheap date, rainy day or feeling extravagant helps you pick a suitable date night for your situation that week or month.

I personally don't colour code mine, but I know that sometimes I might not be able to do the date I pick out. I always try to but if its impossible (jumping on a plane and going away for a weekend in a pandemic for example) then I'll pop that one back in for another day.

When deciding on date night ideas I'd suggest having a real think about places you've always wanted to go, or something you've always wanted to do but haven't got around to. By splitting the ideas you're getting a good mix of things that you'll each want. By creating the ideas your self they can be ultra-personal such as visiting a specific restaurant in your city, or even a little bit naughty such as spending the day in bed together.

Whatever date nights you decide pop them all in the jar and voila a completed date night jar to stop those annoying what should we do questions!

Make sure you top up your date night jar whenever inspiration hits or if it's looking a little empty

What's your favourite date night?
Date Night Jar

Date Night Jar

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