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Monday 7 December 2020

How to Improve Efficiency at Work

How to Improve Efficiency at Work

The global pandemic has impacted many of us in different ways and, as a result, the economy is under a lot of pressure. Lots of companies are struggling to make ends meet and many people have lost their job as a result. If you are lucky enough to still be in employment during these unprecedented times, it might be worth considering ways in which you can boost your efficiency at work now you're working from home. This will be beneficial in many ways; it will increase your productivity and sense of achievement, will save your employer some money and might even help the environment.

Efficiency at Work

Think about how you use the equipment in the office. Do you switch off your computer at the end of each day or leave it in stand-by mode overnight? While the latter might save you some time in the morning when you log back in, it will boost the utility bills unnecessarily and is bad for the environment. The same applies to things like the lighting and the office printer*. 

Speaking of the printer, are you using it in an efficient manner? For instance, if you reduce the font size and print double sided, you will use less paper. In fact, it might even be worth sending out digital copies of documents and embracing a more paperless office so that you don’t have to use the printer at all, as this is often a large expense for companies. 

Of course, being more efficient at work doesn’t just refer to how you use the technology and other resources. It’s also about your output as an employee; are you considered an asset to the company? If not, it’s worth setting yourself some New Year’s resolutions to improve your productivity. Start each day by preparing a priority list and splitting large, intimidating chunks of work into smaller, more manageable sections. This will help you understand what you should be working on and when. Furthermore, it’s crucial that you take short but regular breaks from your desk to avoid any aches and pains or eye strain, as this will not help with your productivity.

Don’t be afraid to talk to your boss about your plans to be more efficient at work so that they can support you and perhaps even encourage your colleagues to do the same. If you have made your home office environment more efficient and have gotten used to working from home, you should perhaps consider starting your own home-based business if you feel you are still unappreciated in your chosen job. This can be a great way to earn a sustainable income
from home, and now with business opportunities such as home-based franchises, it can be a great way to make it happen if you would like to learn more about the various home-based business opportunities available, use a website called Franchise UK to find your ideal business opportunity.

Efficiency At Work

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