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Monday 27 April 2020

4 Tips for Staying Safe Dating Online

How to stay safe dating online

I always preface any dating posts with my own story, I am the biggest advocate out there for online dating having met Connor on a well-known swipe phone dating site. We met, fell in love and are getting married this year, so if you're feeling downhearted trust me your lobster is out there somewhere.

We're living in the strangest of times right now during Covid19. Many aspects of our regular lives have had to change, including dating online. While online dating is quite the norm now, this is usually followed by an in real life date. Obviously this isn't happening at the minute so I've got you covered with keeping your love alive during lockdown and even dating ideas that can make you have the best lockdown date nights but what if you're at the start of your dating journey? Don't worry I have the best tips for staying safe while dating online and to avoid the catfish

How to stay safe while dating online

Use trustworthy free online dating sites

There are literally hundreds of free dating sites* so it's important you're picking the right ones. Think about it, if you haven't heard of a dating website, how likely is it that other people have and that you'll find the partner of your dreams? Established sites are better such as Match Me Happy* because while it's free it has a solid infrastructure and AI technology to keep their users safe and secure

Keep your contact details safe

Most online dating websites give you facilities to keep your profile private, you should utilise this as much as possible and think about what information you include in your profile. Don't post identifying information such as full name, phone number or email address in an open profile - wait until you've established a connection and trust the person on the other side of the computer

Facetime / Video Chat potential dates

In a world when there have been a whopping 8 seasons of Catfish, it's safe to say people are not always who they seem so a little investigation doesn't hurt anyone. Take a look at their social profiles if they've been happy enough to share these. Definitely try and video chat with the person, in lockdown the whole world has been video chatting so there's really no reason not to and it helps you confirm you are talking to who the dating profile said 

Take your time

If there's one thing we all have right now it's time. Real-time to get to know someone without any opportunity of meeting the person in real life. Take your time getting to know someone, getting to know their likes and dislikes, chatting on facetime, and really establishing a connection. A lot of people rush in with online dating and for one reason or another fallen foul of scammers, con artists, or just the not person they need. Time should help you determine who is genuinely looking for love and who's probably promising you 2 minutes of magic (both are fine as long as it's what you want!)

Most importantly - have fun! Dating should be a whole heap of fun, you're looking for the other half of you so really be yourself and enjoy the search
Staying Safe Dating Online

What's your top online dating tip to stay safe?

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  1. This is great advice. I met my partner on a dating site, although we have mutual best friends and had kind of met but never spoken. I think without the site, we'd of never got it together as he is so shy.

    It is so important to stay safe though.

    Claire x

    1. I'm such a believer of online dating I think it's a great way to actually get to know someone properly

  2. Great advice. Take your time and don't settle. This is important information for anyone who is ready to start dating whether online or just meeting people in public.

    1. Completely agree! The right person isn't always mr right now

  3. Great tips. I'm in a relationship but the thought of online dating scares the heck out of me!


  4. Love this! Whenever i go on a date with an online match, I always ensure I know the place we are going, a friend is nearby somewhere if I need help and I check in with that friend via phone at least 30 mins into the date!

    1. Very sensible! I used to do the same and always had a safety call to get out if I needed to


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