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Monday 24 October 2022

Pest Control Specialists for Winter Pests

 Keeping Pests under Control using Specialists this Winter

The nights are drawing in and the weather is definitely getting cooler in the UK. You might think this means that regular pests are gone, as a pest control problem is usually rife in the summer but they're not. Pests can be a problem all year round and Winter in particular can change their habits and type of pest you're dealing with. Read my tips on how to protect your home and utilise Pest Control Specialists if you have a problem this Winter.
Pest Control Specialists

Which Pests are around?

The biggest change in pests from Summer to Winter is the type of pest. In summer flying pests such as mosquitoes and flies are the main bug bears but during winter they die down a lot and are replaced by other types of pest. The change in weather temperature for winter attracts pests that are seeking refuge from the cold such as mice, spiders and cockroaches. These pests are looking for warmth and a nice habitat to make home for their winter, here's my top tips for making sure that's not your home!

Protecting your home from pests

There are a few really easy simple tips you can do right now to reduce the chance of a pest infestation in your home this winter. If  you're unfortunate enough to already have a pest problem then seeking professional help is the quickest way to solve the problem. Pest control services in Brighton can help you get back on top of the pest issue and get your home back to being yours efficiently. Here's my top DIY tips for pest prevention:

  • Seal up any external cracks or holes, check where your pipes and utilities connect especially. Mice can get into a hole the size of a 50p piece so it's important you check there's no way for them to access

  • Mice love a warm messy area and choose to hide in clutter so try to keep organised and on top of any indoor clutter

  • Install door seals or door sweeps to your external doors, not only will this help you retain heat in your home it should help reduce the creepy crawlies getting inside

  •  Keep any moisture sites in your home clean and as dry as possible. Cockroaches will seek out leaking pipes so check under your sink and keep your bathroom dry after use

  • Keep rubbish and food waste contained in bags and outdoors in your wheelie bin where possible, the smell from food waste and rubbish can attract pests so keeping it contained is key

  • Check items you're bringing into the home such as Halloween pumpkins from pumpkin picking or a real Christmas tree. These items generally have been outdoors so it's important to check you're not unknowingly bringing pests inside

  • Now could be a good time to consider a family pet! Getting a cat is a big commitment but they definitely love to help keeping on top of any pest problem (my cat Meeko likes to line his spiders up that he's caught in the night)

Have you ever had a pest problem? 
How did you deal with it?

Pest Control Specialists

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