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Tuesday 4 October 2022

Halloween Spooky Basket Ideas

 Spooky Basket Ideas for Children this Halloween

I absolutely adore Halloween, behind Christmas it's my favourite time. I think it may be my love of scary movies and it is a sure sign that Autumn is here. Plus I have so many fun memories of being a kid on Halloween. Max is a bit small to understand Halloween but that won't stop me from dressing him up to enjoy the fun. I've put together a quick guide on what I'll be putting in his Spooky Basket to enjoy Halloween this year
Spooky Basket Ideas

Spooky Basket Ideas

Skeleton Sleepsuit - Every good Halloween has to start with a cool outfit, and with Max still learning to move I thought a comfy sleepsuit would be most appropriate for his crawling. I got this one via Vinted - Halloween outfits typically for kids will only get worn once so have a look for a bargain

Mini Pumpkin basket* - This is the perfect size for Max, just enough to fit a few treats and surprises in. This came in a pack of 3 so perfect if you've got a couple of kids to finish off their outfits

Haribo Halloween* - This years Haribo Halloween selection is fab from Sour Skeletons to Monsters Zing you'll find everything you love and know from your favourite Haribo with a spooky twist. You can also get a party box or trick or treat bags which are perfect to hand out to friends or any knocks on the door this Halloween. As Max is a little small for jelly sweeties it means mummy and daddy will have to do the taste testing

M&S Haunted Halloween Light Up Biscuit Tin - It's only fair Max gets to have treats too so these little shortbread spooky biscuits are a nice treat for him to try. Plus the tin itself serves as a fab little lantern for your Halloween walk. I'm also going to bake up some Halloween Cupcakes with him for us all to enjoy while watching a spooky film

Halloween Gifts

Once you've got the outfit and treats out of the way it's time to have some Halloween fun! Here's my top three Halloween toys for babies:

Waboba Moonshine Ball* - Now this is super cool, it's a hyper bouncing ball which takes it to a whole new level. It makes a cool popping sound when it bounces, can bounce up to 100 feet and lights up for 7 seconds on a bounce. It has 100 hours of battery life so lots of bouncing ball fun to be had. 

Ten little monsters board book* - No occasion is complete without a book! I really want my little boy to grow up and enjoy reading so we read regularly, and themed books are always good. This one is a Halloween take on a classic song and is really cool

Spider Balloons - This is the cheapest gift at only £1 but one we've had so much fun with already. Max absolutely loves balloons and has done since he was very little so I picked up a pack from the pound shop that has little spiders inside. It's a great tool for helping him with his fine motor skills (he trys to get the spiders out), playing with sound as you shake them and working on his movement as he chases them around.

What treats / gifts do you recommend this Halloween?

Spooky Basket

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