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Wednesday 27 January 2021

Using Lockdown to Learn a Foreign Language

Using Lockdown to Learn a Foreign Language

With the widely spread COVID-19 cases in the UK, the lockdown is necessary to keep people safe from the virus. Apart from frontline workers, a lot of people are spending time indoors. Lockdown has naturally left people with a lot of time in their hands; people have been trying to develop different ways to cope with the isolation and loneliness of these hard times. You can spend this time learning a new language so that by the time the lockdown is lifted, you would have spent the time on something useful. 

Here are a few tools you can use to learn a foreign language.

Notebook and coffee on desk

Use Language Apps 

Using a language app to learn a foreign language is very effective and also very convenient; there are many options on the market nowadays but one of the most popular ones is definitely Babbel: this study shows how effective Babbel is when it comes to learning a new language. It does not have locked levels, so you don’t have to finish one to unlock another; you are free to learn from start to finish without interruptions. Even though there is a lockdown, it doesn't mean there are no other activities to attend to: with an app, you can make your programme and have control on when and what you learn. If you want to learn the language from start to finish or brush up on what you already know, the app allows you all the control.

Incorporate the Language in Everyday Tasks

Just like the way you involve your first language in everything you do, like talking, singing etc., you should do the same with the new language. It would help if you tried to incorporate the language you are learning. So the next time someone does something good to you, why don’t you appreciate in a new language. You can also change the language setting of your phone and computer; it may take a while, but you will get the hang of it. You can also label objects that you use every day with sticky notes, making the new language part of your everyday life is effective for learning.

Watch TV with Subtitles in That Language

Whether its soap operas, reality TV, cooking programmes or Disney movies, make sure they have subtitles in the language you intend to learn. If you are at the start of learning the language, start with watching fun things, going for complex TV programmes may be discouraging because you will not follow the subtitles. With time, you will find yourself watching content that is fully in the language you are learning.

Read Books 

You don't have to go for novels or magazines published in the language; it may be difficult to comprehend; you will get there in time don't rush. If you already know the language and you are a bit rusty, that can help refresh the things you forgot. For starters, buy children's books. You can look at the pictures to understand what certain words mean. Children's book will help you know the basic sentence structure. Don't be ashamed to tuck yourself at night and read a bedtime story!

Join an Online Group or Community

Find an online group of people who are learning the same language as you and join them. Interacting with other people means you will be talking to each other in the new language. That will help you learn how to process your thoughts better. You can help one another without fear of making mistakes. Fear of making mistakes or sounding dumb is a barrier to learning a new language.

Review What You Learn

Reviewing what you learn is crucial because it might be difficult when it comes to retaining new information. Dedicate enough time to review all the vocabularies and sentences you have learned. With all the time the lockdown has provided, finding time for revision will not be a problem. Repetition is a great way to learn.

Patience and persistence are the two critical factors in learning a new language. Do not give up when it gets a little difficult in the process; soon, you will be speaking a new language before the lockdown is lifted.

Learn A Foreign Language

Have you begun to learn a foreign language?

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