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Saturday 7 December 2019

How to create Pinterest Pins that go Viral

How to create Pinterest Pins that go Viral

If you're not already using Pinterest you should be, it's a fantastic source of traffic for your blog and works in a manner similarly to google in that people search for what they're looking for but rather than being directed to links you're shown images linking through to a post which should match your search term. This is a guide on how to utilise pinterest and how to create Pinterest pins

How to Create Pinterest Pins

Pinterest is a very visual method of social media so as well as making sure your blog post is brilliant, fully SEO matched and has the useful information your readers are looking for, you also need to create a striking Pinterest pin to go with it. Since I started focusing more on Pinterest my traffic has tripled (and I definitely need to do more work on it!) I have blog traffic coming to old posts every single day due to the Pinterest Pin being continually shared so it's a great way of giving older posts a little bit of love so here's how to create pinterest pins that convert to traffic

Where to create your Pinterest Pins and the tools you need

First up is the actual where of creating the Pin, if you have photoshop brilliant start there, alternatively you can use Paint or even Word but for me the best tool for Pinterest Pins is Canva. You can upload any pre-existing templates, they have thousands of free and paid-for templates and works in a drag and drop method to make it the easiest method of creating a beautiful image. Of course, the free Canva can only take you so far but the Pro version costs less than £10GBP / USD per month so is really affordable and you can even try for 30 days

If you decide to go for Canva Pro you can personalise your images even further by uploading different elements such as fonts. I recommend checking out where you can get fonts for free* and then using these in your Pinterest Pins. It's important to try and develop a theme in terms of colours/fonts etc. so that your pins will become eye-catching and recognisable as your brand 

What to include on a Pinterest Pin

So by this point you should be in a position where you have an idea on colour schemes you've got your fonts picked out and a good idea on imagery but what do you actually put on a Pinterest Pin? How do you get people to click and visit your site

You need to think of an eye-catching title that's easy to read and makes people compelled to click. When you've written your post take a look on Pinterest for similar topics for inspiration on titles. Lists work brilliantly and phrases such as 
  • The cleaning hack... you won't believe
  • How to become...
  • The BEST way...
  • ... You can't live without
  • Secret tricks
It's all about persuasive writing and making the person want to know the secret, how to be the best or answering a question and explaining how. This turns your blog title into a compelling one with a hidden call to action. 

One thing you need to remember is to have your blog URL on the pin it's fantastic advertisement. The pins will link back to your blog anyway but the more people repin it the more people are seeing your physical URL and are more likely to click or visit

Finishing tips

So in summary Pinterest graphics going viral need 3 simple elements
  • A branded pin that is easily identifiable as your blog, use similar colour schemes and fonts to create your identity

  • An easy to read compelling title making any viewers need to click it to discover any secrets they don't know

  • Your blog URL - this is crucial to your success and making sure visitors identify the pin as yours and getting your blog out there

Create Pinterest Pins

How do you create Pinterest Pins?

Would you like to comment?

  1. These are great tips! I absolutely love Canva for my pin graphcis :)

  2. Great tips, I am not pulling the traffic I should be from Pinterest, I need all the help I can get to raise my gmae x

    1. I saw a significant change in traffic after concentrating more on Pinterest it's definitely worth it


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