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Monday 25 April 2022

5 Benefits of Fishing

 The Benefits of fishing as a hobby

As adults when asked what our hobbies are it can sometimes take a while to think what constitutes a hobby, since having a baby my biggest hobby is definitely sleep - but does that even count? I wrote about how I use video games to destress. But as summer is approaching sometimes I'd prefer to be outside so here's why I think fishing is a brilliant hobby to take up

Benefits of Fishing

Fishing is something thats been in my family for years, I've got lots of memories of being on holiday and my Grandad going fishing and we'd go and meet him on the boating lake so I have many fond memories. But I never thought about how many benefits there are to fishing too

Fishing gives you a break from technology
In our hugely technology-led world, it can be incredibly hard to switch off, whether it's the pinging notifications on your phone, or checking your emails after work just in case. Our minds are always switched on waiting for the next alert, plus a lot of our downtime still revolves around technology. So switch off and head out to fish and enjoy being outdoors with no distractions

Fishing reduces stress
The action of switching off and getting outdoors can really help reduce stress. The calming effect of the waters, being in the fresh air and giving your mind room to think will help you figure out anything you need to and let you have a better nights sleep when you get home

Fishing keeps you fit
Fishing is known as a calming easy hobby which it is but it also gives your whole body a work out! Setting up your pitch, casting off and then landing any fish will engage your muscles, heart and lungs giving them a good work out. If you are carp fishing and using carp fishing accessories then you will be engaging your core, your back and arm muscles trying to land them. So while it's generally a relaxing hobby you can be rest assured you're giving yourself a good workout too

Fishing can be fun socialising 
Going fishing can often be seen as a solitary hobby but it doesn't need to be! From a simple hello to the person on the next spot or even joining your local fishing club you can make like minded friends who you can enjoy your fishing day with. Leisure fishing can be mixed together with friends, a few beers and maybe even a BBQ

Fishing increases your Vitamin D intake
Fishing is an outdoor activity so whether it's a scorching day or even overcast, you being outdoors will increase your vitamin D intake exponentially. Many people in the UK can have low vitamin D purely because of our lifestyles and minimal sunshine. Increasing your intake can help regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate in your body. It gives your immune system a big boost and is even linked to fighting depression

So there you go, if you're looking for a new hobby or if you're feeling a little burnout and need to relax then fishing could be the hobby for you

Have you ever been fishing?

Benefits of Fishing

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