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Monday 10 January 2022

Bluebell Baby Monitor review

 Bluebell Smart Baby Monitor 9 in 1 

I can't believe my baby is almost two months old! Genuinely the last two months have gone in a complete blink of the eye and my tiny little boy is now a little chunk giving me smiles and being very vocal letting the world know he's here. Being a first-time mum is a lot, it is a whole lot of learning and worrying and trying to work out what's right. The Bluebell Baby Monitor* aims to help reduce your worries and help both you and your baby feel confident

Bluebell Baby Monitor

The Bluebell Baby Monitor is a complete system with everything you could possibly need tech wise to help ease any worries in those first few years, as well as look after your own health. The 9 in 1 set contains the following:
- Baby clip-on sensor
- Camera
- Hub 
- Wristband
- App

Each item works together to provide you with the full baby monitoring experience which is a total game-changer. Each item has tons of features helping reduce any additional purchases such as a nightlight / white noise machine etc.

Bluebell Smart Monitor

Baby Sensor

The baby sensor is one of the coolest parts of the baby monitoring system. You use its easy keyhole mechanism to attach it to baby making sure the sensor is placed against babies chest and it then allows you to monitor tons of things such as babies breathing, temperature, position when sleeping, sleep tracking, and activity tracking.

The sensor works with the wristband and app to keep you connected and alert you when the baby may need your attention, for example, if their temperature goes high during the night. I found it really useful for allowing me to sleep easier knowing that I'd be alerted if Max needed me even though he's in the same room!


The camera is amazing, the quality of the picture is unreal and it works both during the day without a drop in quality for its night vision. It has 180-degree vision by tilting the head and also 2-way audio so you can listen in via the app. This part of the system isn't one I'm needing to use too much at Max's early stage but I can already tell is going to be invaluable once he's in his own room and cot


The Hub is a mainstay of the monitoring system and has a really sleek design. It's used to charge up the sensor and the wristband but does so much more. It has 2way audio like the camera allowing you to listen and speak in. It measures the room temperature which I found super useful for knowing what to dress Max to sleep. It also has a dimmable night light and lullaby feature. The lullabies include white and pink noise and womb noises. All tested to help you achieve the optimum sleeping environment for your baby. I found the light and noise really useful because everything can be app-controlled it meant I didn't need to get out of bed to turn on if Max stirred in the night


Everyone is so used to wearable tech now, this wristband is really cool as it helps you monitor your baby while also doing the things you'd usually do with an activity wristband such as tracking your own steps and activity. It means you don't need to buy separate trackers and you can do everything in one place. You will get visual and vibration alerts if babies sensor has an alert for you whilst also tracking your own sleep, steps, and wellbeing. I think this is super important for helping parents stay sane and keep track of their own health which is so easily ignored in those first few months 

Bluebell Baby App

The tool bringing everything together in one handy place the Bluebell Baby App allows you to see all the information from your wearables and really help nail down a routine for your little one
Bluebell Baby Monitoring App

You use the app to set up all the other equipment and then you can see at a glance which items are charged and which might require attention. You can set up family members so you can all access the app which is great if anyone is watching the baby for you so they can access any routines you might have. Clicking onto babies picture takes you to all of the important information such as temperatures, breathing rate etc. so you can see at a glance that everything is ok.

I really liked the clock routine feature it helps put everything into a perspective of how you're splitting your day up and track when baby is likely to want to sleep so you can try and plan around them.


The reassurance in those first few weeks is absolutely priceless and Bluebell helps you do this, it gives you all the tools for peace of mind and allows you to really get to know baby. The price does look a lot at £349 for the full package but it offers you everything in one place and stops the need for lots of different equipment. It combines a baby sensor, white noise machine, night light, camera, and fully responsive app into one place. It will last you right until your little baby is a toddler and beyond so I think is a really worthwhile investment. For more unbiased reviews then click here

What item did you invest in when having a baby?

Bluebell Baby Monitor

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