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Sunday 26 July 2020

How to host a celebration post lockdown

Hosting a celebration after Lockdown

Lockdown in the UK is slowly easing and an element of normality returning, but with quite a few changes to the new normal. Now if you're out and about shopping then you'll be wearing a face mask, but what if you have a celebration upcoming? How is it possible to host an event after lockdown and what are the new rules.

Private Dining Experience

Host a Virtual Celebration

Understandably many people are still worried about heading out too much, just because you can head out doesn't necessarily mean you should, a virtual celebration will mean that individuals who are shielding can attend and it gives piece of mind. You can organise for party packs to be sent to your guests and have lots of virtual drinks

Host a Private Dining Experience

If you are feeling more secure and happy to arrange a celebration at an external venue then definitely check out the Private Dining Restaurants available, this allows you to completely book out a particular venue just for your celebration, therefore, minimizing any contact with other individuals. This is a brilliant solution for those who are planning on continuing with a Wedding as you and your 30 guests can go and have a private dining experience after your ceremony safe in the knowledge you know everyone in the restaurant and have the space to social distance if required 

Host a Celebration at Home

Alternatively if you're looking for a cheaper option, or one allowing more freedom on timelines if the party could go into the early hours why not host a celebration at home? Hold a BBQ in your garden and let the drinks flow, outdoor areas and space are excellent when hosting a number of people for allowing increased safety, plus being at home you're completely in control of every element 

Host a meal out

With most pubs and restaurants now being open if it's a smaller celebration such as a Birthday or just generally wanting to get the extended family together why not head out to your favourite independent restaurant? Book in advance, have a good idea of what you'll eat and head out. Restaurants are very different these days and there are rules that you'll have to adhere to but as we get used to a post Corona world this could be a good option for a smaller celebration to get a feel for what the world will be like now

Postpone for a later date

If your celebration is a significant one where the current restrictions will alter it drastically consider a postponement. We have just moved our 2020 wedding to 2021 and I feel so relieved for doing so it gives me time to look at venues and finer details that we didn't have time or money for before, it doesn't mean you can't celebrate on your original date but changing your bigger celebration for a later date gives the world more time to fix and hopefully further normalisation to happen

Hosting Event Covid19

How have you been celebrating or planning to celebrate?

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  1. I am so sorry to hear about your wedding Alice, it does offer an instant feeling of relief though doesn't it. So sad though but I am genuinely feeling excited about my 2021 wedding now.

    These are great ideas, I look forward to being able to celebrate with friends and family again very soon x


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