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Monday 23 October 2023

3 Ways To Improve Your Life and Discover Who You Are

 How to improve your life as you get older

As you get older, it's likely you will experience a change in how you live your life and what you find is important to you. Being able to change your mind, expand your horizons and discover new things you enjoy is all part and parcel of the ageing process. As they say, with age comes wisdom, and life experiences will teach us that there is so much more to life and ourselves than you could have imagined.

Many people find that once they progress into their 30s, 40s and beyond, they become more at peace with who they are and more content. This can open up many doors for you to make changes in your life and evaluate what is important to you. Whether it's relying on a close-knit group of friends over large informal friendship groups with too many people you don't have anything in common with, or you realise that you don't want to embrace the nightclub scene, or it could be that you simply want to find a new direction in life to find happiness and thrive, not just survive.

If you're feeling the urge to make changes as you get older, but you don't know what to do, this post looks at some ways you can change your life to help you learn more about yourself and what exactly it is you want

Women enjoying life

Practise Gratitude

Instead of looking at what everyone else has or what it is that you want, why not start being thankful for what you do have? You don't need to "keep up with the Jones"; instead, you need to look at what you do have and what it is that makes you happy. From here, you can pinpoint the positive aspects of your life to give you areas to focus on and areas to change if you wish.

Learn Something New

Life is for living, and you cannot know everything about everything, but you can continue to push the boundaries of your knowledge. Be it learning a new language, training in a new career, learning how to make your own tequila, vodka or beer at home, doing that online course you've always wanted to do, or even trying a new sport. Whatever it is, find something you have always wanted to do and make it happen. Even if it doesn't necessarily go anywhere, the satisfaction of proving you can still learn something can be more than enough.

Create A Bucket List

If the above isn't enough, then why not create a bucket list of things you want to do? Do you want to travel to different countries? Jump out of a plane? Visit theme parks? Learn a new skill? Try an authentic Italian pizza in Italy? Your bucket list can be absolutely anything, from watching certain movies, learning to play an instrument, meeting your favourite celebrity or just renovating your bedroom. The choice is yours, but you can make it as short or as long as you like. Many people create bucket lists in the form of "30 before 30" or "40 before 40" of things they want to do before they reach these milestone ages. Whatever it is, draw it up and get to work ticking things off to see how it can enrich your life.

As you get older, your priorities change; what was once important to you when you were 18 could suddenly seem insignificant, or your life might have changed considerably, and your whole outlook has given you a new purpose. But looking to push yourself and make the most of your life allows you to discover a new passion and desire for doing different things.

Tell me something on your bucket list for the future

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